Welkom by Dr Stefan J de V Rawlins - Plastiese Chirurg se webtuiste.
Ons dienste is as volg / We provide the following:
- Borsvergrotings / Breast Augmentation
- Borsverkleining / Breast Reduction
- Bors-lig / Breast lift
- Kongenitale Bors afwyking en Rekonstruksie / Breast Reconsruction
- Oog chirurgie / Blepharoplasty - Eyelid Surgery
- Gesigs Ontrimpeling (Macs lift) / Facelift Surgery
- Mastektomie / Mastectomy
- Abdominoplastie - Tummy Tuck / Abdominoplasty
- Bak-oor herstel(Ortoplasty) / Ear Surgery
- Uitsny van velkankers en moesies / Skin cancer removal and mould removal
- Lid-teken revisie / Scar Revision
- Botox
- Fillers
- Skinbooster
Beskikbare produkte / Available products:
- Sun Skin Sunscreen SPF 30
- NeoStrata Professional Skincare
- Lycogel Breathable Camouflage
- Elicina
- Heliocare
- Pro-active Collagen
![](//c.kwikweb.co.za/chirurg/photos/line.png) |
Dr Stefan J de V Rawlins
Ontvangsdames: Dirkie Smith / Cyndi Henderson
Tel nr: 012 548 0431 / 087 230 8476
Faks nr: 012 548 3829
E-posadres: reception@rawlins.co.za / admin@rawlins.co.za
Stephan Straat 701
South Africa